Tuesday, March 18, 2014

An Interesting Take on Hashtags

Do you like and use hashtags or are you ovewhelmed by seeing them everywhere? I recently ran across this opinion piece by Daniel Stein on the DIGIDAY website. He shares his observations on the use of hashtags by advertisers. Click on the title to link to the page.

#Stopthemadness: Advertisers are guilty of hashtag abuse

Do you "Yik Yak?" Have you even heard of "Yik Yak?"

Yik Yak is a fairly new member of the social media community. According to Common Sense Media it is a "free, local social-networking app that lets users post "anything and everything" anonymously, including a lot of explicit content that's clearly not for kids. Yik Yak users post brief, Twitter-like comments, which are distributed to any 500 people using Yik Yak closest to them geographically. . ." They have determined that this app is inappropriate for kids.

For a lot more information about Yik Yak click on the links below.

Common Sense Media Reviews Yik Yak

Yik Yak app banned at Lake Forest High School amid flap