Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sleeptexting - The Importance of "Turning Off"

I found this very interesting article from The Atlantic in a link from the previous post about Common Sense Media resolutions. The attachment people of all ages develop with their mobile devices, particularly phones, appears to be creating some significant health problems. Texting while not fully awake is one of them. The result could be merely embarrassing or worse.

One of the researchers studying this phenomenon said:

It’s impacting teens and young adults, because they’re pretty much attached to the phone like an appendage. The younger generation grew up with texting and with Facebook and they’re checking their phones every two minutes during the day,” Gelb explains. “It’s just a part of their lives. This is all they know, this is what they grew up with.”

For the full article click on  Sleeptexting Is the New Sleepwalking.

New Year's Resolutions from Common Sense Media

Do you have concerns about the screens in your life? Televisions, movies, computers and mobile devices are everywhere and constantly being upgraded with new and exciting features. It's enough to make your head spin even if you understand it all.

Common Sense Media has some timely suggestions for controlling the onslaught and navigating the whole media world safely in 2014. Their resolutions are for both parents and kids of all ages and could very well provide some fun for you all along with maintaining some sanity when dealing with the ever-increasing demand for screen time.

Check out Media Resolutions Every Family Should Make in 2014.